You Don't Love Me Anymore taby ukulele według Weird Al Yankovic (Chwyty barytonu)

7 Chwyty użyte w piosence: G, Gmaj7, C, D, Dm, Am, F

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Chwyty transponowane W górę 8 Półtony. (Wróć do Oryginalna wersja)

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  1983
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Oryginalny tuning: +4.0 kroki (oryginalne strojenie)
Progresja tabów / chwytów stworzonych dla ukulele.
D# D# D#maj7 D#maj7 G# G# D# D# A# A# D# D#

D# D# D#maj7 D#maj7
We've been together for so very long
A#m A#m
But now things are changing,
Fm Fm
Oh, I wonder what's wrong?
A# A#
Seems you don't want me around
Fm Fm G# G# A# A#
The passion is gone and the flames died down

D# D# D#maj7 D#maj7
I guess I lost a little bit of self-esteem
A#m A#m Fm Fm
That time that you made it with the whole hockey team
A# A#
You used to think I was nice
Fm Fm G# G# A# A#
Now you tell all your friends that I'm the antichrist

C# C# G# G#
Oh, why did you disconnect the brakes on my car?
D# D# A# A#
That kind of thing is hard to ignore
Fm Fm G# G# D# D#
D D#ot a funny feeling you don't love me anymore

D# D# D#maj7 D#maj7 A#m A#m
I knew that we were having problems when you put those
Fm Fm
piranhas in my bathtub again
A# A#
You're still the light of my life
Fm Fm G# G# A# A#
Oh, darling, I'm beggin', won't you put down that knife

D# D# D#maj7 D#maj7 A#m A#m
You know, I even think it's kinda cute the way you poison
Fm Fm
my coffee just a little each day
G# G# A# A#
I still remember the way that you laughed
Fm Fm G# G# A# A#
When you pushed me down the elevator shaft

C# C# G# G#
Oh, if you don't mind me asking what's this poisonous cobra
D# D# A# A#
Doing in my underwear drawer?`
Fm Fm G# G# D# D#
Sometimes I get to thinking You don't love me anymore

D# D# D#maj7 D#maj7
You slammed my face down on the barbecue grill
A#m A#m Fm Fm
Now my scars are all healing but my heart never will
A# A#
You set my house on fire
Fm Fm G# G# A# A#
You pulled out my chest hairs with an old pair of pliers

D# D# D#maj7 D#maj7 A#m A#m
Oh, you think I'm ugly and you say I'm cheap, you shaved off
Fm Fm
my eyebrows while I was asleep
A# A#
You drilled a hole in my head
Fm Fm G# G# A# A#
Then you dumped me in a drainage ditch and left me for dead

C# C# G# G#
Oh, you know this really isn't like you at all.
D# D# A# A#
You never acted this way before
Fm Fm G# G# D# D#
Honey, something tells me you don't love me anymore
Fm Fm G# G# D# D#
Oh no no, got a funny feeling You don't love me anymore

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taby ukulele według , 04 sty 2017

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