Lighthouse taby ukulele według Waifs (Chwyty barytonu)

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Am, C, G, Dm

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, AmChwyty
Am Am                      C C            G G      Am Am
Lighthouse tall and grand, standing on a cold headland.
Am Am C C G G Am Am
Shine your light across the sea, for a wayward sailor girl like me.

Am Am C C G G Am Am
Lighthouse man, guid this sailor back to land.
Am Am C C G G Am Am
Steer my ship on through the storm, back to waters safe and calm.

Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm
Sometimes i need a lighthouse of my own, it gets so dark i can't see which
Am Am Am Am C C
way im going. lighthouse man im all at sea, shine your little lighthouse
G G Am Am
light on me.

Am Am C C G G Am Am
Lighthouse man help us all, some are saved and some will fall.
Am Am C C G G Am Am
He'll show you were the danger lies, but he can't help if you capsize.
Am Am C C G G Am Am
He'll light your way but that is all, steer your own ship back to the shore.

Dm Dm Am Am
Wont you light my lonely way back home.
Dm Dm Am Am
This sea is full of missery ands woe.

Am Am C C
oh - woe - be - tide to those that say, they don't need no light to
G G Am Am
light there way.

Am Am C C G G Am Am
They think there safe enough on there own, drown in murky depths below.

Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm
We all need a lighthouse of my own, it gets so dark i can't see which
Am Am Am Am C C
way im going. lighthouse man im all at sea, shine your little lighthouse
G G Am Am
light on me.

taby ukulele według , 04 sty 2018

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