Peach Moon taby ukulele według Unicorns (Chwyty barytonu)

7 Chwyty użyte w piosence: E, C/G#, A, A7, E6, Am, E7

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
E E    C/G# C/G#
Sun-smudged peach moon
A A A7 A7 E E
softer than an ice cream cone in june
E E C/G# C/G# A A
why is it that the lighting strikes
A7 A7 E E
so perfectly at night
E E E6 E6
what you do is what you choose
Am Am E E
but consider consequences when you lose
E E E6 E6 Am Am
I don't care

E E C/G# C/G#
all my life
I've been waiting for
A7 A7 E E
a sign to say move on
C/G# C/G#
and tonight
A A A7 A7 E E E6 E6 Am Am
all the salt that's in the air just feels right

E E C/G# C/G#
Sun-smudged peach moon
A A A7 A7 E E
softer than an ice cream cone in june
E E C/G# C/G# A A
why is it that the thunder purrs
A7 A7 E E E7 E7 Am Am
so strikingly at night

taby ukulele według , 20 lut 2010

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