Why Does The Sun Shine? taby ukulele według They Might Be Giants (Chwyty barytonu)

3 Chwyty użyte w piosence: F, Bb, C

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2009
Akord: F, DmChwyty
F F    Bb Bb    F F    C C    F F  Bb Bb  F F

F F Bb Bb
The sun is a mass of incandescent gas,

a gigantic nuclear furnace

F F Bb Bb
where hydrogen is built into helium

F F C C F F Bb Bb F F
at a temperature of millions of degrees.

F F Bb Bb
Yo ho, it's hot, the sun is not

a place where we could live,

F F Bb Bb
but here on earth there'd be no life

F F C C F F Bb Bb F F
without the light it gives.

We need it's light,

Bb Bb
we need it's heat,

we need it's energy.

F F Bb Bb
Without the sun, without a doubt,

F F C C F F Bb Bb F F
there'd be no you and me.

F F Bb Bb
The sun is a mass of incandescent gas,

a gigantic nuclear furnace

F F Bb Bb
where hydrogen is built into helium

F F C C F F Bb Bb F F
at a temperature of millions of degrees.

F F Bb Bb
The sun is hot.

The sun is so hot that everything on it is a gas: copper, iron, aluminum, on the surface of the sun are all gas.

F F Bb Bb
The sun is large.

The sun is so large, a million earths could fit inside and yet, the sun's just a middle-sized star.

F F Bb Bb C C
The sun is far away.

It's about 93 million miles away, and that's why it looks so small.

F F Bb Bb
But even when it's out of sight

F F C C F F Bb Bb F F
it shines bold night and day.

The sun gives light,

Bb Bb
the sun gives heat,

F F Bb Bb F F
the sunlight that we see.

F F Bb Bb
The sunlight comes from our own sun's

F F C C F F Bb Bb F F
atomic energy.

Scientists have found that the sun is a huge atom-crushing machine. The heat and light from the sun are comes by the nuclear reaction between hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and helium.

F F Bb Bb
The sun is a mass of incandescent gas,

a gigantic nuclear furnace

F F Bb Bb
where hydrogen is built into helium

F F C C F F Bb Bb F F
at a temperature of millions of degrees.

taby ukulele według , 24 mar 2013

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