Signs Of Light taby ukulele według The Head And The Heart (Chwyty barytonu)

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: F, C, Am, Em, G, Dm

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2016
Akord: C, AmChwyty
F F C C Am Am Em Em F F
F F C C Am Am Em Em F F

I'll wait by you're bed for signs of light
Am Am Em Em F F
They say that you're gone but I know you're alright
F F C C Am Am
I wanna be there when you open your eyes
Em Em F F
It's been so long you've been barely alive
F F C C Am Am
When you sleep what do you dream?
Em Em F F
I need to know you're thinking of me

Going to bed alone again
Don't know when you're coming home again
Going to bed alone again
F F Am Am Em Em
Don't know when you're coming home again

I'll wait by you're bed for signs of light
Am Am Em Em F F
They say that you're gone but I know you're alright
F F C C Am Am
I wanna be there when you open your eyes
Em Em F F
It's been so long you've been barely alive
F F C C Am Am
When you sleep what do you dream?
Em Em F F Am Am
I need to know you're thinking of me
Em Em F F
I need to know you're thinking of me

C C Dm Dm C C Dm Dm
C C Dm Dm C C Dm Dm
C C Dm Dm
I should've called ya to hold on
C C Dm Dm
You gotta fix yourself up before taking off
Dm Dm
Cause it's you, it's you that you're running from
C C Dm Dm
It's you, it's you that keeps hanging on

C C Dm Dm C C Dm Dm
C C Dm Dm
Cause it's you, it's you that you're running from
C C Dm Dm
It's you, it's you that keeps hanging on

C C Dm Dm C C Dm Dm
C C Dm Dm C C Dm Dm
C C Dm Dm C C Dm Dm
C C Dm Dm C C Dm Dm

F F C C Am Am Em Em
F F Am Am
Em Em F F Am Am
I need to know you're thinking of me
Em Em F F
I need to know you're thinking of me

taby ukulele według , 03 wrz 2019

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