Here There And Everywhere taby ukulele według The Beatles (Chwyty barytonu)

13 Chwyty użyte w piosence: G, Bm, Bb, Am, D, Am7, C, F#m7, B7, Em, D7, Gm, Cm

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Tablature / Chords (Piosenka uproszczona)

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Rok:  1966
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
G G           Bm Bm       
To lead a better life,
Bb Bb Am Am D D
I need my love to be here

G G Am7 Am7 Bm Bm C C G G Am7 Am7
Here, making each day of the year
Bm Bm C C F#m7 F#m7 B7 B7
Changing my life with a wave of her hand
F#m7 F#m7 B7 B7 Em Em Am Am Am7 Am7 D7 D7
Nobody can deny that there's something there

G G Am7 Am7 Bm Bm C C G G Am7 Am7
There, running my hands through her hair
Bm Bm C C F#m7 F#m7 B7 B7
Both of us thinking how good it can be
F#m7 F#m7 B7 B7 Em Em Am Am Am7 Am7 D7 D7
Someone is speaking, but she doesn't know he's there

Bb Bb Gm Gm
I want her everywhere
Cm Cm D7 D7 Gm Gm
And if she's beside me I know I need never care
Cm Cm D7 D7 G G Am7 Am7
But to love her is to need her everywhere
Bm Bm C C G G Am7 Am7
Knowing that love is to share
Bm Bm C C F#m7 F#m7 B7 B7
Each one believing that love never dies
F#m7 F#m7 B7 B7 Em Em Am Am Am7 Am7 D7 D7
Watching her eyes, and hoping I'm always there

G G Am Am Bm Bm C C
I will be there, and everywhere
G G Am7 Am7 Bm Bm C C G G
Here, there, and everywhere

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taby ukulele według , 11 sie 2011

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