When Will My Life Begin taby ukulele według Tangled (Chwyty barytonu)

11 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C, G, Ab, Eb, Dm, F, Am, E, Em, D7, C7

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Chwyty transponowane W dół 4 Półtony. (Wróć do Oryginalna wersja)

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

Font size: A- A A+

Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Oryginalny tuning: -2.0 kroki (oryginalne strojenie)
Progresja tabów / chwytów stworzonych dla ukulele.
Intro:  G# G#  D# D#  G# G#  D# D#  G# G#

D# D# G# G#
Seven A A M, the usual morning line-up
D# D# G# G#
Start on the chores and sweep till the floor's all clean
Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up
D# D# G# G# A#m A#m
Sweep again, and by then it's like seven fifteen

G# G# C# C#
And so I'll read a book
G# G#
Or maybe two or three
Fm Fm A#m A#m C# C# G# G#
I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
Fm Fm A#m A#m
I'll play guitar and knit
C C Fm Fm
And cook and basically
G# G#
Just wonder when will my life begin?

D# D# G# G# D# D# G# G#

Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking
Paper mache, a bit of ballet and chess
Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making
Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, take a climb, sew a dress!

And I'll re-read the books
If I have time to spare
I'll paint the walls some more
I'm sure there's room somewhere
And then I'll brush and brush
And brush and brush my hair
Stuck in the same place I've always been

A#m A#m G# G#
And I'll keep wanderin' and wanderin'
C# C# Cm Cm
And wanderin' and wonderin'
A#m A#m D# D# G# G#
When will my life begin?

C# C#
Tomorrow night
G# G# C# C#
The lights will appear
G# G# C# C# G# G# C# C# A#m A#m
Just like they do on my birthday each year
Fm Fm A#7 A#7
What is it like
D# D# G#7 G#7
Out there where they glow?
C# C# G# G#
Now that I'm older
C# C#
Mother might just
D# D#
Let me go

taby ukulele według , 16 wrz 2013

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