You Reach For Me taby ukulele według Sisterbrother (Chwyty barytonu)

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Eb, Bb/D, Eb/G, Bb, Dm

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: Bb, GmChwyty
[Verse 1]
Eb Eb
I can see You in the sun as it's rising
Bb/D Bb/D
A A new day is dawning
Eb Eb
I can see You in the clouds as they're forming
Bb/D Bb/D
Your beauty surrounds me
Bb/D Bb/D
Your beauty surrounds me

[Verse 2]
Eb Eb
I can feel You in the still of the morning
Bb/D Bb/D
You keep my attention
Eb Eb
You have my soul, all my heart and affection
Bb/D Bb/D
Sweetly, You reach me

Eb/G Eb/G Bb/D Bb/D
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Bb/D Bb/D
(Sweetly, You reach me)
Eb/G Eb/G Bb/D Bb/D
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Eb Eb Bb Bb Dm Dm
I'll never find another Love like this
Eb Eb Bb Bb Dm Dm
I could search the whole world
Eb Eb Bb Bb Dm Dm
You fascinate my heart, You love me from the start
Eb Eb Bb Bb Dm Dm
I am caught in wonder

[Verse 3]
Eb Eb
I can hear You as the songbirds are singing
Bb/D Bb/D
It's Your lovesong for me
Eb Eb
I hear Your voice in the wind as it's rushing
Bb/D Bb/D
Your mistery draws me in

Eb/G Eb/G Bb/D Bb/D
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Bb/D Bb/D
(Your mistery draws me in)
Eb/G Eb/G Bb/D Bb/D
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Eb Eb Bb Bb Dm Dm
I'll never find another Love like this
Eb Eb Bb Bb Dm Dm
And I could search the whole world
Eb Eb Bb Bb Dm Dm
You fascinate my heart, You love me from the start
Eb Eb Bb Bb Dm Dm
I am caught in wonder

Eb Eb Bb Bb Dm Dm (4x)
Whoa oh, oh, oh

Eb Eb Bb Bb Dm Dm
I'll never find another Love like this
Eb Eb Bb Bb Dm Dm
I could search the whole world, whoa
Eb Eb Bb Bb Dm Dm
You fascinate my heart, You love me from the start
Eb Eb Bb Bb Dm Dm
I am caught in wonder

taby ukulele według , 14 maj 2020

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