Cellophane taby ukulele według Sara Jackson-Holman (Chwyty barytonu)

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Dm, C, Gm, A

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: DmChwyty
Dm Dm          C C
Sun soaked, high hopes
Gm Gm A A
Wear them as my winter coat
Dm Dm C C Gm Gm A A
To keep out the cold
Dm Dm C C
But try as I might
Gm Gm A A Dm Dm C C Gm Gm A A
I can't hide the mysteries that you read in my eyes

C C Gm Gm A A Dm Dm
But oh, no no no
C C Gm Gm A A Dm Dm
Oh, no no no

Dm Dm C C Gm Gm A A
wrap my heart in cellophane
Dm Dm C C Gm Gm A A
Keep it dry when it rains
Dm Dm C C
And maybe that way
Gm Gm A A Dm Dm
I'll keep it safe from you

Dm Dm C C Gm Gm A A
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Dm Dm C C Gm Gm A A
I watch the shadows play on your opaque face
But sparks fly from your colbalt eyes
End I can see through your disguises

C C Gm Gm A A Dm Dm
But oh, no no no
C C Gm Gm A A Dm Dm
Oh, no no no

Dm Dm C C Gm Gm A A
Wrap your heart in cellophane
Keep it dry when it rains
And maybe that way
You'll keep it safe from me

Dm Dm C C Gm Gm A A
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Dm Dm C C Gm Gm A A
Wrap our hearts in cellophane
Keep them dry when it rains
And mabye that way we'll keep them safe

Dm Dm C C Gm Gm A A
Wrap our hearts in cellophane
Keep them dry when it rains
And maybe that way we'll keep them safe

taby ukulele według , 21 maj 2017

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