My Best Friends In The World (adventure Time) taby ukulele według Rebecca Sugar (Chwyty barytonu)

9 Chwyty użyte w piosence: A7, Dm, Bb, F, G, C, D, B7, Em

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
A7 A7         A7 A7
Everyone, bubblegum,
Dm Dm
I’m so dumb, I should have just told you,
A7 A7 Dm Dm
what I lost was a piece of your hair!

A7 A7 A7 A7
Now it’s gone, gone forever,
Dm Dm Dm Dm
but I guess, what does it matter?
A7 A7 A7 A7 Dm Dm
When I just... just had all of you there.
Bb Bb F F A7 A7
Oh, I just had all of you there with me, my friends...
Dm Dm
if you’re even my friends.

This - this is what was missing! The truth!

Bb Bb F F
What am I to you?
Bb Bb F F
Am Am I a joke, your knight, or your brother?
Bb Bb F F
What am I to you?
Bb Bb F F
Do you look down on me 'cause I’m younger?
Bb Bb F F
Do you think that I don’t understand?
Bb Bb F F
I just wanted us together and to play as a band,
Bb Bb F F
Last night was the most fun I've ever had,
Bb Bb F F A7 A7
Even liked it when the two of you would get mad at each other.

Bb Bb F F Bb Bb F F Bb Bb
Oh, you, are my best friends in the world.
F F Bb Bb F F Bb Bb
You are my best friends in the world.
F F Bb Bb F F Bb Bb
And that’s right, I’m talking about the two of you girls.
A7 A7
And you, Jake,
G G A7 A7
I wanna sing a song to you and I refuse to make it fake

Bb Bb F F
What am I to you?
Bb Bb F F
Am Am I a joke, your knight, or your brother?
Bb Bb F F
What am I to you?
Bb Bb F F
Do you look down on me 'cause I’m younger?
Bb Bb F F
Do you think that I don’t understand?
Bb Bb F F
I just wanted us together and to play as a band,
Bb Bb F F
I'll forget that I lost a piece of your hair,
F F Bb Bb
I'll remember the pasta that we shared, over there

Ooh you are my best friends in the world
You are my best friends in the world
That's right,
I'm talking 'bout the two of you girls, and you, Jake
B7 B7
I'm gonna sing a song to you and I refuse to make it fake
Em Em C C G G B7 B7
Make no mistake, I'm gonna sing a song that feels so real it'll make
Em Em
this door break

taby ukulele według , 22 kwi 2020

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