Be Wherever You Are taby ukulele według Rebecca Sugar (Chwyty barytonu)

10 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C, B7, Em, G7, Cmaj7, Am, Dm, Fm, D7, Gsus4

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
C C                            B7 B7
Isn't this such a beautiful night,
Em Em G7 G7 Cmaj7 Cmaj7 Am Am
Whoa, we're underneath the thousand shining stars.
Dm Dm Fm Fm Cmaj7 Cmaj7
Isn't it nice to find yourself somewhere different,
D7 D7 Dm Dm G7 G7 C C
Whoa, why don't you let yourself just be wherever you are.

C C B7 B7
Look at this place, Look at your faces.
Em Em G7 G7 Cmaj7 Cmaj7 Am Am
I've never seen you look like this before.
Dm Dm Fm Fm Cmaj7 Cmaj7
Isn't it nice to find yourself somewhere different,
D7 D7 Dm Dm G7 G7 C C
Whoa, why don't you let yourself just be wherever you are.

C C B7 B7
Look at this place, Look at your faces.
Em Em G7 G7 Cmaj7 Cmaj7 Am Am
They're shining like a thousand shining stars.
Dm Dm Fm Fm Cmaj7 Cmaj7
Isn't it nice to find yourself somewhere different,
D7 D7 Dm Dm G7 G7 C C
Whoa, why don't you let yourself just be wherever you are.

Dm Dm G7 G7 Cmaj7 Cmaj7
Why don't you let yourself just be somewhere different
D7 D7 Fm Fm Gsus4 Gsus4 G7 G7 Cmaj7 Cmaj7
Whoa, why don't you let yourself just be whoever you are.

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taby ukulele według , 16 sty 2020

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Ukeplayer822 avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (Santa Rosa)
On the cmaj7 to a minor instead you should do c to c7 and then you u strumm it where you down 3 times with c and one extra down with c7
22 Jan 2024
Ukeplayer822 avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (Santa Rosa)
On the c
22 Jan 2024
JonahFide avatar
If you replace Am with C7 it sounds even better!
16 Jan 2020
thatalienkilljoy avatar
flag for US(ISO2) (Stupid Town™)
sounds amazing!!!
16 Jan 2020

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