How To Make Gravy taby ukulele według Paul Kelly (Chwyty barytonu)

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: D, Em, F#m, G, A, A7

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: D, BmChwyty
D D         Em Em     F#m F#m                       Em Em    D D                  Em Em      
Hello Dan, it's Joe here, I hope you're keeping well, it’s the 21st of December
F#m F#m Em Em G G A A G G A A A7 A7
Now theyre ringing the last bell, if I get good behaviour, I'll be out of here by July
D D Em Em F#m F#m Em Em D D Em Em F#m F#m Em Em
Won't you kiss my kids on Christmas day, please___ don't let them cry
D D Em Em F#m F#m Em Em
I guess the brothers are driving down from Queensland, Stella's flying in from the coast
D D Em Em F#m F#m Em Em
They say it's gonna be 100deg, even more maybe, but that won't stop the roast
G G A A G G A A A7 A7 D D
Who's gonna make the gravy? I bet it won't taste the same, just add flour, salt
Em Em F#m F#m
A A little red wine and don't forget a dollop of tomato sauce for sweetness
Em Em D D Em Em
And that extra tang, and give my love to Angus and to Frank and Dolly
F#m F#m Em Em D D
Tell 'em all I'm sorry I screwed up this time, and look after Rita
Em Em F#m F#m Em Em D D Em Em F#m F#m Em Em
I'll be thinking of her early Christmas morning, when I'm standing in line

D D Em Em F#m F#m Em Em
I hear Mary's got a new boyfriend, I hope he can hold his own
D D Em Em F#m F#m Em Em
D D’you remember the last one, what was his name again? Just a little too much cologne
And Roger, you know I'm even gonna miss Roger
Cause there's sure as hell no one in here I wanna fight
D D Em Em F#m F#m
Oh praise the Baby Jesus, have a Merry Christmas, I'm really gonna miss it,
Em Em D D Em Em
All the treasure and the trash, and later in the evening, I can just imagine,
F#m F#m Em Em D D
You'll put on Junior Murvin and push the tables back, and you'll dance with Rita

Em Em F#m F#m
I know you really like her, just don't hold her too close, oh brother please don't
Em Em D D Em Em
Stab me in the back, I didn't mean to say that, it's just my mind it plays up
F#m F#m Em Em D D
Multiplies each matter, turns imagination into fact, you know I love her badly
Em Em F#m F#m Em Em
She's the one to save me, I'm gonna make some gravy, I'm gonna taste the fat
D D Em Em F#m F#m
Tell her that I'm sorry, yeah I love her badly, tell 'em all I'm sorry
Em Em D D Em Em
And kiss the sleepy children for me you know one of these days, I'll be making gravy
F#m F#m Em Em D D
I'll be making plenty, I'm gonna pay 'em all back

taby ukulele według , 22 gru 2018

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megaphonium avatar
sounds fine when i play it Johno, maybe it's you :):):):)
09 Oct 2019
jasonajohno avatar
flag for AU(ISO2) (Adelaide )
not how you play this song. 0 out of 10
05 Aug 2019

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