Nine In The Afternoon taby ukulele według Panic! At The Disco (Chwyty barytonu)

7 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Gm, Em, Cm, G, Em7, Bm, C

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2008
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Oryginalny tuning: +1.0 kroki (oryginalne strojenie)
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Chords: Gm Gm, Em Em, Cm Cm, G G, Em7 Em7, Bm Bm

Verse 1:

Gm Gm
Back to the street where we began
Em Em
Feeling as good as lovers can, you know
Cm Cm
Yeah we're feeling so good

Verse 2:

Gm Gm
Picking up things we shouldn't read
Em Em
It looks like the end of history as we know
C C,
It's just the end of the world
Em Em Cm Cm
Back to the street where we began
Em Em Cm Cm
Feeling as good as love, you could you can

Verse 3:

Gm Gm
Into a place, where thoughts can bloom
Em Em
Into a room where it's nine in the afternoon
Cm Cm Gm Gm
And we know that it could be

And we know that it should
Em Em
And you know that you feel it too


Cm Cm G G
'Cause it's nine in the afternoon and
Em7 Em7
Your eyes are the size of the moon
Bm Bm
You could 'cause you can so you do

We're feeling so good
Cm Cm
Just the way that we do
When it's nine in the afternoon
Em7 Em7
Your eyes are the size of the moon
Bm Bm
You could 'cause you can so you do
Cm Cm
We're feeling so good

Gm Gm
Back to the street, Down to our feet
Em Em
Losing the feeling of feeling unique
Cm Cm
Do ya know what I mean?

Verse 5:

Gm Gm
Back to the place

Where we used to stay
Em7 Em7
Man it feels good to feel this way
Cm Cm
Now I know what I mean

Em Em Cm Cm Em Em Cm Cm
Back to the street, back to the place
Em Em Cm Cm Em7 Em7
Back to the room where it all began
Back to the room where it all began

Chorus: x3

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