Nails For Breakfast Tacks For Snacks Demo taby ukulele według Panic! At The Disco (Chwyty barytonu)

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Em, G, Am, C

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, G, Am, EmChwyty
0 1 2 3 4 5
The chords you need to know:

Em (022000)
G (320033)
Am (002210)
C (032010)

Oh, and on another note,
during the first
chorus and then all the way to the end, there is
no guitar (none that I can hear, at least).
But I've written it for you because it's no
fun to play one verse of a great song.

And the last thing...
Right where it says "the hospice is..."
start a different strumming pattern
every other half beat or something
to that effect. Listen to the song.
you'll get it. End the strumming pattern
and go back to the original pattern where
it says "with all the top physicians".

UPDATE! I fixed the chorus, thanks to liam_d.
The chords sound better.

Em Em
Watch your mouth
G G Am Am
your speech is slurred enough
C C Em Em
that you might swallow your tounge
you'd want to give up the ghost
Am Am C C
with a little more poise than that
Em Em G G
Or was it god who chokes in these situations?
Am Am C C Em Em G G Am Am C C
Running Late? No no, he called in. he called in-----.

Em Em G G
the hospice is a relaxing weekend getaway
Am Am
where you are a cut above all the rest
sick and sad patients on first name basis

with all the top physicians

Perscribed Pills
Em Em Am Am
to offset the shakes
to offset the pills [Chorus]

you know you should
G G Em Em Am Am C C
take it a day at a time

Em Em G G Am Am
That's when you stutter something profound
to the support on the line
Em Em
and with the way you've been talking
G G Am Am C C
every word gets you a step closer to hell.
Em Em G G
No, I just can't help it.
Am Am C C
To say what everyone else is thinking
Em Em G G Am Am C C
let me state the obvious again

[Chorus x2]

Em Em G G
I am alone in this bed, house and head
Am Am C C
she never fixes this but at least she
Em Em G G
I am alone in this bed
Am Am C C
she never fixes that but at least she
makes me forget

[Chorus x2]

And then it ends in all its awesome syth stuff.
no outro needed.

taby ukulele według , 01 sty 2013

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