Runnin taby ukulele według Ohtis (Chwyty barytonu)

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C, Am, Em, G, F, Dm

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, AmChwyty
C C Am Am Em Em C C

[Verse 1]
C C Am Am
The expression you were wearing of emotional pain
Em Em C C
Like anybody struggling to keep themselves sane
C C Am Am
I'll run with you, brother, in the midnight rain
Em Em C C
When we run out of track on the glory train

Am Am Em Em G G
I will go running with you
Running in the Georgian night
Am Am Em Em G G
We together, will be better than me
Dm Dm F F C C
Together we surrender to fight

C C Am Am Em Em C C

[Verse 2]
C C Am Am
Got the good time on the radio
Em Em C C
I was moving too fast, I was bound to get slow
C C Am Am
I wonder, dear brother, is it well with yourself?
Em Em C C
The Lord is the shepherd, will the sheep never know?

Am Am Em Em G G
I will go running with you
Running in the Texan night
Am Am Em Em G G
We together, will be better than me
Dm Dm F F C C
Together we surrender to fight

C C Am Am Em Em C C

[Verse 3]
C C Am Am
You woke up drunk on the kitchen floor
Em Em C C
The day your daddy died, didn't drink anymore
C C Am Am
You gave up the beer, but you still got the fear
Em Em C C
I'm terrified with you, brother, now I'm here

Am Am Em Em G G
I will go running with you
Running in the Illinois night
Am Am Em Em G G
We together, will be better than me
Dm Dm F F C C
Together we surrender to fight

C C Am Am Em Em C C

[Verse 4]
C C Am Am
I thought you were dead and I'd have to let you go
Em Em C C
When we wreck driving drunk down in New Mexico
C C Am Am
I walked out the hospital and I got the news
Em Em C C
You're alive now and still singing your exes blues

Am Am Em Em G G
I will go running with you
Running in the Missouri night
Am Am Em Em G G
We together, will be better than me
Dm Dm F F C C
Together we surrender to fight

C C Am Am Em Em C C

[Verse 5]
C C Am Am
When you took the trolley to the top of the arch
Em Em C C
Your heart started thumping and your vision got dark
C C Am Am
When you let me into your peaceful place
Em Em C C
I burn down your house and now I'm hiding my face

Am Am Em Em G G
I will one day run with you
Run in the unknown night
Am Am Em Em G G
We together, will be better than me
Dm Dm F F C C
Together we surrender to fight

C C Am Am Em Em C C

[Verse 6] (softly)
C C Am Am
I heard no whisper of the Lord in your voice
Em Em C C
Calling me back up, getting me in a rejoice
C C Am Am
The needle hanging in, I collapsed on the floor
Em Em C C
You were both crying out to me and banging on the door

Am Am Em Em G G
I will go running with you
Run in the unknown night
Am Am Em Em G G
We together, will be better than me
Dm Dm F F C C
Together we surrender to fight
Dm Dm F F C C
Together we surrender to fight

taby ukulele według , 18 kwi 2021

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