Live Forever taby ukulele według Oasis (Chwyty barytonu)

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: G, D, Am, C, Em, F

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  1994
Akord: C, G, Am, EmChwyty
# -------
# G G D D
# Maybe, I don't really wanna know
# Am Am
# How your garden grows
# C C D D
# I just wanna fly
# -------
# G G D D
# Lately, did you ever feel the pain
# Am Am
# in the morning rain
# C C D D
# as it soaks it to the bone
# ------
# Em Em D D
# Maybe I just wanna fly
# Am Am
# Wanna live I don't wanna die
# C C
# Maybe I just wanna breathe
# D D Em Em
# Maybe I just don't believe
# D D
# Maybe you're the same as me
# Am Am
# We see things they'll never see
# F F
# You and I are gonna live forever
# End of the song alternates -Am- and -F- while Liam's singing -Gonna live forever- again and again.

taby ukulele według , 23 cze 2011

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