Catdog taby ukulele według Nickelodeon (Chwyty barytonu)

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Am, G, Dm, C, E

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: AmChwyty
Am Am                        G G 
One fine day there was a woof and a purr.
Dm Dm Am Am
A A baby was born and it caused a little stir.
Am Am G G
No blue buzzard, no three eyed frog,
Dm Dm Am Am
Just a feline/canine little CatDog.

C C Am Am E E Am Am
CatDog! CatDog! Alone in the world is the little CatDog!

Am Am G G
Out on the road or back in town,
Dm Dm Am Am
All kind of critters putting CatDog down.
Am Am G G
Gotta rise above it, gotta try to get along.
Dm Dm Am Am
Gotta walk together, gotta sing this song.

C C Am Am E E Am Am
CatDog! CatDog! Alone in the world is the little CatDog!
C C Am Am E E Am Am
CatDog! CatDog! Alone in the world is the little CatDog!

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