Strawberry Shortcake taby ukulele według Melanie Martinez (Chwyty barytonu)

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Bm, Em7, D, F#, G, A

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2019
Akord: BmChwyty
Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F#

[Verse 1]
Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F#
Feeling unsure of my naked body
Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F#
Stand back watch it taking shape
Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F#
Wondering why I don't look like Barbie
Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F#
They say boys like girls with a tiny waist
Bm Bm Em7 Em7
Now my momma's preaching to make sure I'm pure
D D F# F#
But I never really cared about that shit before
Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F#
Look around the room to whoever wants me

Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F#
The boys actin' like they ain't seen skin before
Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F#
Got sent home to change 'cause my skirt is too short

It's my fault, it's my fault
Bm Bm A A
'Cause I put icing on top
D D G G Bm Bm A A
Now, the boys want a taste of this strawberry shortcake
That's my bad, that's my bad
Bm Bm A A
No one taught them not to grab
D D G G Bm Bm A A
Now, the boys want a taste of this strawberry shortcake

[Verse 2]
Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F#
Gotta make sure that my legs are shiny
Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F#
Hot wax melting, burn my skin
Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F#
People all around me watching closely
Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F#
'Cause it's how I look and not what I think

Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F#
Mikey's eyes seem to be glued to her chest
Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F#
So I'm stuffing my bra so that mine look the best

It's my fault, it's my fault
Bm Bm A A
'Cause I put icing on top
D D G G Bm Bm A A
Now, the boys want a taste of this strawberry shortcake
That's my bad, that's my bad
Bm Bm A A
No one taught them not to grab
D D G G Bm Bm A A
Now, the boys want a taste of this strawberry shortcake

Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F# Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F#
Instead of making me feel bad for the body I got
Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F# Bm Bm Em7 Em7 D D F# F#
Just teach him to keep it in his pants and tell him to stop

Saying it's my fault, it's my fault
Bm Bm A A
'Cause I put icing on top
D D G G Bm Bm A A
Now, the boys want a taste of this strawberry shortcake
That's my bad, that's my bad
Bm Bm A A
No one taught them not to grab
D D G G Bm Bm A A
Now, the boys want a taste of this strawberry shortcake

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taby ukulele według , 19 wrz 2019

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