Especially Me taby ukulele według Low (Chwyty barytonu)

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Am, G, F, Dm, D

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, AmChwyty
Am Am G G
Am Am G G
Am Am G G F F

[Verse 1]
Am Am G G
Cry me a river
Am Am G G
So I can float over to you
Am Am G G F F
The bearer to deliver the news
Am Am G G
I'm over the moon
Am Am G G
And underfoot
Am Am G G F F
All these elixirs would be moot

Am Am G G
Cause if we knew where we belong
Am Am G G
There'd be no doubt where we're from
Am Am G G
But as it stands, we don't have a clue
F F Dm Dm
Especially me and probably you

Am Am G G
Am Am G G

[Verse 2]
Am Am G G
You've fallen in a slumber
Am Am G G
Just wake one more time
Am Am G G
To miss or put asunder
Would be a crime
Am Am G G
Some songs feel like butter
Am Am G G
Some songs sound like cake
Am Am G G F F
This little number is for your sake

Am Am G G
Cause if we knew where we belong
Am Am G G
There'd be no doubt where we're from
Am Am G G
But as it stands, we don't have a clue
F F Dm Dm
Especially me and probably you

Am Am G G
Am Am G G
Am Am G G F F

Am Am G G
Cause if we knew where we belong
Am Am G G
There'd be no doubt where we're from
Am Am G G
But as it stands, we all need the truth
F F Dm Dm
Especially me and probably you
Definitely you

taby ukulele według , 01 sie 2018

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