Suck It Up taby ukulele według LOLO (Chwyty barytonu)

10 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C, Am, Dm, G, Em, F, Ab, Bm, Bb, Fm

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
C C                                    Am Am
Cue the waterworks, but crying isn't punk rock, so screw the waterworks
Dm Dm G G
I’ll just take the heartbreak to the grave
C C Am Am
Suffer in silence, like I'm such a cool girl, yeah, one you'd like
Dm Dm G G
Catch the lemon, spike the lemonade

Dm Dm G G
Oh, I drank too much
C C Em Em Am Am
Having a breakdown for the seventh time since lunch
Dm Dm G G
Oh, it’s embarrassing

C C Am Am
I should suck it up, I know this is dumb
Dm Dm G G
Pull this heavy head outta the hole you kinda dug
C C Am Am
I should suck it up, I know this is lame
Dm Dm F F Ab Ab C C
Fuck all of my feelings, I don't need them anyway

C C Am Am
Spaced out at dinner like a sad Neil Armstrong on the moon
Dm Dm G G
Thinking 'bout the tattoos on your hand
C C Am Am
Walking like a zombie, feeling pretty sorry for myself
Dm Dm G G
That I let you ruin my favorite band

Dm Dm G G
Oh, it's embarrassing

C C Am Am
I should suck it up, I know this is dumb
Dm Dm G G
Pull this heavy head outta the hole you kinda dug
C C Am Am
I should suck it up, I know this is lame
Dm Dm F F Ab Ab C C Bm Bm
Fuck all of my feelings, I don't need them anyway

Bb Bb Am Am
Fuck all of my feelings, I don't need them anyway

C C Bm Bm
I should suck it up, I know this is dumb
Bb Bb Am Am
Pull this heavy head outta the hole you kinda dug
C C Bm Bm
I should suck it up, I know this is lame
Bb Bb F F Ab Ab C C Am Am
Fuck all of my feelings, I don't need them anyway

Dm Dm F F Fm Fm C C
Fuck all of my feelings, I don't need them anyway

taby ukulele według , 06 mar 2025

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