Grown Up taby ukulele według Leith Ross (Chwyty barytonu)

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: A, B, Bm, D, E

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Tablature / Chords (Piosenka uproszczona)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: A, F#m, GbmChwyty
A A♭maj               B B♭7      Bm Bm      D D♭maj 
I can remember the feeling of being small

Praying to a god I don't believe in to grow tall

Can you remember the evenings of your youth?

Losing track of time, losing count of hours

Losing your balance, and then losing a tooth

A A♭maj
Where does it go?
D D♭maj A A♭maj
So fast and so slow?
A A♭maj Bm Bm
And so, you notice you got old

E E♭7

D D♭maj A A♭maj
Where does it go?
D D♭maj A A♭maj
Like how spring melts the snow?
A A♭maj7 Bm Bm
One day, you're living on your own

I can remember believing
That my parents were gods
And yes, there's comfort in people
But fear in a faith that's lost
Oh, what a wonderful feeling
To own and operate your life
Oh what a terrible burden
All my decisions are mine
Where does it go?
So fast and so slow?
And so, you notice you got old
Where does it go?
Like how spring melts the snow?
One day, you're living on your own

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