I'm No Superman taby ukulele według Lazlo Bane (Chwyty barytonu)

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: G, D, Em, A, A7, C

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

Font size: A- A A+

Album:  nieznane
Akord: D, BmChwyty
# G G
# Out xxx door xxxx xx time
# D D
# Head xxxx xxx 405
# Em Em A A
# Gotta xxxx xxx xxx xxxx xx 8 a.m.
# G G
# The xxxxx xxxxx xx xxx car
# D D
# The wife xx xxxxxx' hard
# Em Em A A
# She's running xxxx xxxxxxx again

# Well
# Em Em A A
# I know xxxx xxx xxxx told,
# Em Em A A
# You xxx xx xxxx xx xxxx the soul
# G G Em Em A A A7 A7
# But x xxxx xx xxxx xxx xx xx own
# C C D D G G
# No, I xxxx, I'm xx Superman
# D D G G
# I'm xx Superman

# G G
# You've xxx xxxx xxxx online
# D D
# You think xxxxx xxxxx fine
# Em Em A A
# But xxxxx xxxx plugged xxxx xxx wall

# G G
And that deck of tarot cards
# D D
Won't get you very far
# Em Em A A
There ain't no hand to break your fall

# Well
# Em Em A A
# I know xxxx xxx xxxx told,
# Em Em A A
# You xxx xx xxxx xx xxxx the soul
# G G Em Em A A A7 A7
# But x xxxx xx xxxx xxx xx xx own
# C C D D G G
# No, I xxxx, I'm xx Superman
# D D G G
# I'm xx Superman

# (chords repeat throughout the rest of the song)

That's right
# You've crossed xxx finish line
Won the race but lost your mind
# Was xx worth xx after all

I need you here with me
# Cause love xx all xx need
Just take a hold of the hand that breaks the fall

Well I know what I've been told
# Gotta xxxxx free xx break xxx mold
But I can't do this all on my own
# No I can't xx this all xx xx own
I know that I'm no Superman
# I'm xx Superman
I'm no Superman

# Someday we'll xx together
I'm no Superman
# Someday we'll xx together
# I'm xx Superman

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taby ukulele według , 10 mar 2012

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