Everything That Glitters Isn't Gold taby ukulele według Kolea (Chwyty barytonu)

2 Chwyty użyte w piosence: F, Dm

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Tablature / Chords (Piosenka uproszczona)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, F, A#, Bb, Gm, DmChwyty
F F Dm Dm

Saw your picture on a poster
In a cafe out in Hilo
I guess you're still the sweetheart of the rodeo
As for me and little Mandy
We still make the circuit
On a one horse trailer and the mobile home
And she still talks about you all the time
But I guess she didn't even cross you mind

And then sometimes I think about you
And the way you used to light us
With your rhinestones and your sequins
And the sunlight on your hair
And though the crowd they always love you
As for me I've come to know
Everything that glitters isn't gold

Ol Ed he's gettin' older
And last Saturday he stumbled
But you know I just can't bear to let him go
Little Mandy she's still growin
And she started askin questions
Of some certain things a man just doesn't know
Her birthday came and you didn't even call
And I guess she didn't even cross your mind


Everybody said you'd make it big one day
And I guess that we were all just in your way
And one day I'm sure you're gonna know the cost
Cuz for every time you win there's something lost

taby ukulele według , 29 maj 2015

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