Sweet Ballyvaughan taby ukulele według Judy McKeown (Chwyty barytonu)

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: D, G, Bm, A, F#m, Em

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: D, BmChwyty

(D D)Raindrops (F#m F#m)cling to the (G G)branches, -G G
And the (Bm Bm)sun makes them (F#m F#m)diamonds at (G G)dawn. -G G
And the (D D)birds sing a (Bm Bm)song for the (G G)whole world to (D D)hear -D D
And (Bm Bm)nature she (F#m F#m)just carries (G G)on -G G

The (G G)winter's re(Em Em)treating de(F#m F#m)feated by (Bm Bm)spring -Bm Bm
And (G G)though how I (F#m F#m)wish I'd no (A A)care. -A A
But I (D D)live in the (F#m F#m)hope you'll re(G G)turn cross the (D D)sea -D D
To the (Bm Bm)Burren, to (A A)me and to (D D)Clareah. -D D
For (G G)is it the (Em Em)memory of the (F#m F#m)summer I (Bm Bm)taste? -Bm Bm
Sure you'd (G G)think now that (F#m F#m)would be long (A A)gone -A A
But it's (D D)sad that I (F#m F#m)wake in the (G G)morning a(D D)lone -D D
I'm with(Bm Bm)out you in (A A)sweet Bally(D D)vaughan -D D

Oh the (D D)gentians they're (F#m F#m)blooming an (G G)ocean of (D D)blue -D D
And the (Bm Bm)orchid gets (F#m F#m)ready to (G G)dance -G G
The (D D)fields they're all (Bm Bm)turning them(G G)selves into (D D)green, -D D
But (Bm Bm)still all my (F#m F#m)thoughts turn to (G G)France. -G G

Instrumental bagpipe + guitar bridge: D D-D D-G G-D D Bm Bm-A A-D D-D D (2x)

Oh a (D D)fiddler's air it (F#m F#m)brings a (G G)tear to my (D D)eyes -D D
As the (Bm Bm)pipes tear the (F#m F#m)soul from my (G G)breast -G G
I can (D D)still hear your (Bm Bm)voice cross the (G G)ocean so (D D)clear -D D
But since you've (Bm Bm)left me my (F#m F#m)soul has known no (G G)rest -G G


Oh But it's (D D)sad that I (F#m F#m)wake in the (G G)morning a(D D)lone (break)
I'm with(Bm Bm)out you in (A A)sweet Bally(D D)vaughan -D D
Outro: repeat bagpipe brige fading.

taby ukulele według , 20 lut 2015

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