Will You Be My Girlfriend? taby ukulele według Ismael Perez (Chwyty barytonu)

8 Chwyty użyte w piosence: F, Dm, Gm, C, A#, F#, C#, B

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# Licensed by Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.
# Work by Ismael Perez (Caonabo) on www.ukulele-tabs.com
# Time: 4/4 ; Tempo: Allegro
#Each meter are separated by a space. Lyrics that are with the chords in the same meter are to be sung at the same time.

# [Start Intro]
F F (duxu)
"La la la la la"

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"La la la la la"

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"La la la la la"

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"La la la la la"

C C (duxu)

F F (duxu)
"La la la la la"

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"La la la la la"

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"La la la la la"

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"La la la la la"

C C (duxu)
#[End Intro]

#[Start Verse 1]
F F (duxu)
"There is some thing..."

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"...I'll like to tell you."

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"I've been thinking about it..."

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"...since the day I've met you."

C C (duxu)

F F (duxu)
"I really like you."

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"I have a crush on you."

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"When you are by me..."

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"...my heart goes wild."

C C (duxu)

F F (duxu)
"The time is now."

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"To share around..."

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"...my feelings..."

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"About you, oh."

C C (duxu)

F F (duxu)
"No time to delay..."

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"...or playing some games..."

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"...in what I'm about..."

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"...to ask you!"

C C (duxu)
#[End Verse 1]

#[Start Pre-Chorus 1]
A# A# (duxu)
"So I am ready."

A# A# (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"I'm prepared."

C C (duxu)

A# A# (duxu)
"Don't be shy."

A# A# (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"I goona say it, now!"
[End Pre-Chorus 1]

#[Start Chorus 1]
F F (duxu)
"Will you be my girlfriend?"

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"My companion."

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"My soulmate."

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"Forever, yeah!"

C C (duxu)

F F (duxu)
"We can go on adventures!"

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"On top of the mountaints."

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"Over the blue sea."

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"Together, girl!"

C C (duxu)

A# A# (duxu)

A# A# (duxu)

C C (duxu)

C (d---)
#[End Chorus 2]

#[Start Verse 2]
F F (duxu)
"I remember..."

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"...the good times..."

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"...that we had..."

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"...In the past."

C C (duxu)

F F (duxu)
"Walking together..."

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"...under the cool rain..."

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"...and the breezing wind..."

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"...blowing by us."

C C (duxu)

F F (duxu)
"The sun appears..."

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"...over the blue sky."

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"Lying on the grass..."

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"...passing jokes around."

C C (duxu)

F F (duxu)
"Your bold brown eyes..."

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"...gazing at me."

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"Your bubbly smile..."

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"...friendly greets me."

C C (duxu)
#[End Verse 2]

#[Start Pre-Chorus]
A# A# (duxu)
"I smile back..."

A# A# (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"...right back you."

C C (duxu)

A# A# (duxu)
"While I ask you..."

A# A# (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"...this request."

C C (duxu)

#[Chorus 1]

#[Start Verse 3]
F F (duxu)
"In high school..."

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"...I remembered..."

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"...all the fun things..."

Gm Gm

C C (duxu)
"...we did."

C C (duxu)

F F (duxu)
"In Global History..."

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"...there was some silly things..."

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"...that made us laugh..."

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"...and laugh!"

C C (duxu)

F F (duxu)
"In Physics..."

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"...I was the class clown..."

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"...shouting jokes..."

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"...for you."

C C (duxu)

F F (duxu)
"And In Yoga..."

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"...doing some stretches..."

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"...grunting out loud."

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"For your humor."

C C (duxu)
#[End Verse 3]

#[Start Pre-Chorus 3]
A# A# (duxu)
"All these stories..."

A# A# (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"...to make you smile."

C C (duxu)

A# A# (duxu)
"And some tickles..."

A# A# (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"...in your satisfaction"

C C (duxu)
#[End Pre-Chorus 3]

#[Chorus 1]

#[Start Bridge]
F F (duxu)
"La la la la la."

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"La la la la la."

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"La la la la la."

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"La la la la la."

C C (duxu)

F F (duxu)
"La la la la la."

F F (duxu)

Dm Dm (duxu)
"La la la la la."

Dm Dm (duxu)

Gm Gm (duxu)
"La la la la."

Gm Gm (duxu)

C C (duxu)
"La la la la la."

C C (duxu)
[End Bridge]

[Start Chorus 2]
F# F# (duxu)
"Will you be my girlfriend?

F# F# (duxu)

D#m D#m (duxu)
"My companion."

D#m D#m (duxu)

G#m G#m (duxu)
"My soulmate."

G#m G#m (duxu)

C# C# (duxu)
"Forever, yeah!"

C# C# (duxu)

F# F# (duxu)
"We can go on adventures!"

F# F# (duxu)

D#m D#m (duxu)
"On top of the mountains."

D#m D#m (duxu)

G#m G#m (duxu)
"Over the blue sea."

G#m G#m (duxu)

C# C# (duxu)
"Together, girl!"

C# C# (duxu)

B B (duxu)

B B (duxu)

C# C# (duxu)

C# (d---)
[End Chorus 2]

taby ukulele według , 26 lut 2016

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