Daddy's Hands taby ukulele według Holly (Chwyty barytonu)

3 Chwyty użyte w piosence: F, G, Am

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, AmChwyty
Capo on 5th (Key Of C C)

Intro: F F-F F-F F-G G-F F

[F F]I remember Daddy´s hands, folded [G G]silently in prayer And [F F]reaching out to hold me, when I [F F]had a nightmar[G G]e You [F F]could read quite a story, in the c[G G]allouses and lines [F F]Years of work and [F F]worry had left[G G] their mark behi[F F]nd [F F]I remember Daddy´s hands, how they h[G G]eld my Mama tight And p[F F]atted my back, for someth[F F]ing done righ[G G]t There are [F F]things that I´ve forgotten, that I [G G]loved about the man But I´ll Falways reme[F F]mber the [G G]love in Daddy´s h[F F]ands

Daddy's hands were soft and [F F]kind when I was cry[F F]in´ Daddy´s [Am Am]hands, were hard as s[F F]teel when I´d done w[G G]rong Daddy´s h[F F]ands, weren´t always gentle But I´ve c[F F]ome to unders[G G]tand There was a[F F]lw[F F]ays l[F F]ove in Da[G G]ddy´s h[F F]ands

I r[F F]emember Daddy´s hands, wor[G G]king 'til they bled Sacri[F F]ficed unselfishly, just to k[F F]eep us all f[G G]ed If I c[G G]ould do things over, I´d [G G]live my life again And n[F F]ever take for gra[F F]nted the lo[G G]ve in Daddy´s h[F F]ands

Daddy's hands were soft and [F F]kind when I was cry[F F]in´ Daddy´s [Am Am]hands, were hard as s[F F]teel when I´d done w[G G]rong Daddy´s h[F F]ands, weren´t always gentle But I´ve c[F F]ome to unders[G G]tand There was a[F F]lw[F F]ays l[F F]ove in Da[G G]ddy´s h[F F]ands

Daddy's hands were soft and [F F]kind when I was cry[F F]in´ Daddy´s [Am Am]hands, were hard as s[F F]teel when I´d done w[G G]rong Daddy´s h[F F]ands, weren´t always gentle But I´ve c[F F]ome to unders[G G]tand There was a[F F]lw[F F]ays l[F F]ove in Da[G G]ddy´s h[F F]ands


taby ukulele według , 09 lip 2021

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