White Roses taby ukulele według Greyson Chance (Chwyty barytonu)

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: A, Gbm, D, E7

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Chwyty transponowane W górę 8 Półtony. (Wróć do Oryginalna wersja)

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: A, GbmChwyty
Oryginalny tuning: +4.0 kroki (oryginalne strojenie)
Progresja tabów / chwytów stworzonych dla ukulele.
F F        Dm Dm        F F
White roses on a pastel sky
F F Dm Dm F F
Broken vows on our lips run dry
F F A# A# F F
I see you out with your friends, you smile
Dm Dm A# A# F F
It's funny how that goes, I haven't slept in a while

F F Dm Dm
I never saw it coming
A# A# F F
I thought we had it all
F F Dm Dm
I feel you in those moments
F F C7 C7
Those nights, held in your arms

Darling, be careful with me
A# A# F F
'Cause there's part of me that you don't know
Dm Dm
Darling, be gentle with me
A# A# F F
When you tell me that you need to go
Dm Dm
And if you should miss me, don't call me
A# A# F F
Don't tell me, just leave me alone
Dm Dm
Because you cut me wide open
A# A# F F
Left teardrops on all my white roses
Dm Dm
'Cause you cut me wide open
A# A# F F
Left teardrops on all my white roses

F F Dm Dm F F
Same places on a Friday night
F F Dm Dm F F
Holding glances, but we're tongue tied
A# A# F F
I'm with my friends, and it's hard to smile
Dm Dm F F
It's crazy how that feels, I haven't slept in a while

F F Dm Dm
I never saw it coming
A# A# F F
I thought we had it all
F F Dm Dm
I feel you in those moments
F F C7 C7
Those nights, held in your arms

Darling, be careful with me
A# A# F F
'Cause there's part of me that you don't know
Dm Dm
Darling, be gentle with me
A# A# F F
When you tell me that you need to go
Dm Dm
And if you should miss me, don't call me
A# A# F F
Don't tell me, just leave me alone
Dm Dm
Because you cut me wide open
A# A# F F
Left teardrops on all my white roses
Dm Dm
'Cause you cut me wide open
A# A# F F
Left teardrops on all my white roses

F F A# A# F F
I want to believe that maybe it's just emotion
F F A# A# F F
But I cannot see my life without you, those moments
F F A# A# F F
So wild and free, blinded by love, devoted
F F A# A# F F
But now it's just me, unspoken words, white roses

Darling, be careful with me
A# A# F F
'Cause there's part of me that you don't know
Dm Dm
Darling, be gentle with me
A# A# F F
When you tell me that you need to go
Dm Dm
And if you should miss me, don't call me
A# A# F F
Don't tell me, just leave me alone
Dm Dm
Because you cut me wide open
A# A# F F
Left teardrops on all my white roses

taby ukulele według , 21 sie 2019

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