Crystalised taby ukulele według Gorillaz (Chwyty barytonu)

3 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Em, Bm, A

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: D, BmChwyty
Em Em
You've applied the pressure
Bm Bm A A
To have me crystalised
Em Em
And you've got the faith
Bm Bm A A Em Em
That I could bring paradise

I'll forgive and forget
Bm Bm A A
Before I'm paralyzed
Em Em
Do I have to keep up the pace
Bm Bm A A
To keep you satisfied

Em Em Bm Bm A A
Oh!!! X2
Em Em
You don't move slow
Bm Bm A A
Taking steps in my directions
Em Em
The sound resounds, echo
Bm Bm A A
Does it lessen your affection

Em Em Bm Bm A A
No X2

Em Em
You say I'm foolish
Bm Bm A A
For pushing this aside
Em Em
But burn down our home
Bm Bm A A
I won't leave alive

Em Em
Glaciers have melted to the sea
Bm Bm A A
I wish the tide would take me over
Em Em
I've been down on my knees
Bm Bm A A
And you just keep on getting closer

Em Em Bm Bm A A
Oh!!! X4

taby ukulele według , 31 sie 2014

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