Thinking Out Loud taby ukulele według Ed Sheeran (Chwyty barytonu)

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: D, G, A, A9, Bm, Em

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2014
Akord: D, BmChwyty
D D                                   G G             A A     A9 A9 A A
When your legs don't work like they used to before

D D G G A A A9 A9 A A
And I can't sweep you off of your feet

D D G G A A A9 A9 A A
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?

Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

D D Bm Bm G G A A A9 A9 A A D D Bm Bm G G A A
And darling I will be loving you till we're seventy

A9 A9 A A D D Bm Bm G G A A A9 A9 A A D D Bm Bm
And baby, my heart could still fall as hard at twenty-three

And I'm thinking about how

Em Em A A D D
People fall in love in mysterious ways

Em Em A A D D
Maybe just the touch of a hand

Em Em A A D D
Well me, I fall in love with you every single day

Em Em A A A A A A A A A A
I just wanna tell you I am


D D Bm Bm G G
So honey, now,

A A A9 A9 A A D D Bm Bm G G
take me into your loving arms

A A A9 A9 A A D D Bm Bm G G
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

A A A9 A9 A A D D Bm Bm
Place your head on my beating heart

I'm thinking out loud

Bm Bm G G D D G G D D A A D D
And maybe we found love right where we are

D D G G A A A9 A9 A A
When my hair's all but gone and my memory fades

D D G G A A A9 A9 A A
And the crowds don't remember my name

D D G G A A A9 A9 A A
When my hands don't play the strings the same way

I know you will still love me the same

D D Bm Bm G G A A A9 A9 A A D D Bm Bm G G A A
Cause honey your soul could never grow old, it's evergreen

A9 A9 A A D D Bm Bm G G A A A9 A9 A A D D Bm Bm
And baby, your smile's forever in my mind and memory

And I'm thinking about how

Em Em A A D D
People fall in love in mysterious ways

Em Em A A D D
And maybe it's all part of a plan

Em Em A A D D
Well I'll just keep on making the same mistakes

Em Em A A A A A A A A A A
Hoping that you'll understand


D D Bm Bm G G
So baby, now,

A A A9 A9 A A D D Bm Bm G G
take me into your loving arms

A A A9 A9 A A D D Bm Bm G G
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

A A A9 A9 A A D D Bm Bm
Place your head on my beating heart

I'm thinking out loud

Bm Bm G G D D G G D D A A D D
And maybe we found love right where we are


D D Bm Bm G G
So baby, now,

A A A9 A9 A A D D Bm Bm G G
take me into your loving arms

A A A9 A9 A A D D Bm Bm G G
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

A A A9 A9 A A D D Bm Bm
Oh darling, place your head on my beating heart

I'm thinking out loud

Bm Bm G G D D G G D D A A D D
That maybe we found love right where we are

Bm Bm G G D D G G D D A A D D
Oh baby, we found love right where we are

Bm Bm G G D D G G D D A A D D
And we found love right where we are

⇢ Nie podoba Ci się ta tablatura? Wyświetl 12 innych wersji

taby ukulele według , 29 kwi 2017

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