Intertwined taby ukulele według Dodie Clark (Chwyty barytonu)

10 Chwyty użyte w piosence: G, Gadd9, Csus2, Bm, Bbm, C, D7, C6, Eb, Em

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
G G Gadd9 Gadd9 Csus2 Csus2 x2

G G Bm Bm Bbm Bbm C C D7 D7

Skin, Heat, Hair in your mouth, Feet touching feet.
G G Bm Bm Bbm Bbm C C D7 D7

Oh you, You and I, Safe from the world, Though the world will try
C6 C6 Eb Eb G G Em Em C C D7 D7

Oh, I'm afraid of the things in my brain, But we can stay here, and laugh away the fear.
G G Bm Bm Bbm Bbm C C D7 D7

Numb, Fine, You create a rarity of my genuine smiles.
G G Bm Bm Bbm Bbm C C D7 D7 G G

So breathe, Breathe with me, Can you drink all my thoughts, Cause I can't stand them.
Bm Bm Bbm Bbm C C D7 D7

G G Bm Bm Bbm Bbm C C D7 D7

Intertwined, Free, I've pinned each and every hope on you, I hope that you don't bleed with me.
C6 C6 Eb Eb G G Em Em C C D7 D7

I'm afraid of the things in my brain, But we can stay here, and laugh away the fear.

G G Bm Bm Bbm Bbm C C D7 D7 C C

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taby ukulele według , 26 kwi 2016

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GITS avatar
flag for CA(ISO2) (Halifax)
only use strings C E and A, play by plucking C first and E and A together twice. sounds legit. kinda like a waltz.
28 May 2018
rvchel avatar
change all the C chords to Am and the very last C to a G
03 Mar 2018
biblio1500ad avatar
mobile flag for US(ISO2) (North Little Rock)
If you want to do the same (or very similar) plucking pattern as she does (with her baritone) on concert/tenor/soprano.

In a waltz style:

01 Jan 2017

Top Taby i chwyty Dodie Clark, nie przegap tych utworów!

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