Formaldehyde taby ukulele według Didirri (Chwyty barytonu)

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Gbm7, Dmaj9, E, A

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: E, A, Gbm, DbmChwyty
This is transposed from guitar to ukulele, where:
- Amaj9 has been converted to Dmaj9 (6425), can be played as A (2100)
- B B has been converted to E E
- C#m7 has been converted to F#m7 or Gbm7 (2424 or 6600), can be played as A (2100)
- E E has been converted to A A
Use alternatives above if you want to mix it up, or if I have stuffed up the conversion, let me know and I can correct it.


Gbm7 Gbm7

Dmaj9 Dmaj9
So I'll keep our kiss in formaldehyde
E E Gbm7 Gbm7
Hoping decay will be mild
E E Dmaj9 Dmaj9
And I say I'll never love again
E E Gbm7 Gbm7
I'm just hoping this will never mend

E E Dmaj9 Dmaj9
So I'll keep our kiss in formaldehyde
E E Gbm7 Gbm7
Just to save me
E E Dmaj9 Dmaj9
Save me
E E Gbm7 Gbm7 E E Dmaj9 Dmaj9
Save me

Dmaj9 Dmaj9
It's a beast of passion in a jar of salt
E E Gbm7 Gbm7
This feels like I've been shot in the foot
E E Dmaj9 Dmaj9
And in the months or years when I want you back
E E Gbm7 Gbm7
I'll be saying that I don't mean that

E E Dmaj9 Dmaj9
So I'll keep our kiss in formaldehyde
E E Gbm7 Gbm7
I'll keep it for a while
E E Dmaj9 Dmaj9
I'll keep it for a while
E E Gbm7 Gbm7
I'll keep it for a while

E E Gbm7 Gbm7
Just to save me
Dmaj9 Dmaj9
Save me (save)
Gbm7 Gbm7
Save me (yeah)
Dmaj9 Dmaj9
Yeah (ah-ah-ah)
Dmaj9 Dmaj9

Gbm7 Gbm7
I'll keep it for a while
Dmaj9 Dmaj9
I'll keep it for a while (for pain)
Gbm7 Gbm7
I'll keep it for a while (yeah)
Dmaj9 Dmaj9
I'll keep it for a while

I'll keep it for a while
Dmaj9 Dmaj9
I'll keep it for a while
I'll keep it for a while
Dmaj9 Dmaj9
I'll keep it for a time
I'll keep you for a while

taby ukulele według , 27 lis 2021

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