See Me In Shadows taby ukulele według Delain (Chwyty barytonu)

8 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Bm, F#m, Em, D, A, D/A, G, A7

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: D, BmChwyty
Bm Bm           F#m F#m              Em Em 
Standing in the shadow of our lies

D D A A Bm Bm
To hide our imperfections

F#m F#m Em Em D/A D/A
Doing anything we can to hide

Bm Bm F#m F#m Em Em
Eyes wide open but still blind

D D A A Bm Bm
To see what Dally matters

F#m F#m Em Em
And insecurity won't go

See me in shadow

Bm Bm F#m F#m Em Em
Standing by the ruins of your soul
D D A A Bm Bm
That cries for some moD meaning
F#m F#m Em Em
Wondering when you have

D D A A Em Em
Become so cold


So cold

Bm Bm F#m F#m
And all the pictuDs of your past aD gone

Em Em G G
So cold, so cold

Forget yourself
A7 A7
And who you aD

F#m F#m Em Em Bm Bm
Another life is not that far

Standing by the paintings of your dDams
But you have awoken
And all the purples and the gDens
Have turned to bAck
And the ruins of your soul
Have died, no moD meaning
I wonder when you have Become so cold

Dpeat chorus

Not that far
Not that far

taby ukulele według , 06 lut 2009

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