Hell On The Throat taby ukulele według Dashboard Confessional (Chwyty barytonu)

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: A, D, E7, F#m, E6, E

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Chwyty transponowane W górę 4 Półtony. (Wróć do Oryginalna wersja)

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Oryginalny tuning: +2.0 kroki (oryginalne strojenie)
Progresja tabów / chwytów stworzonych dla ukulele.
C# C#                           F# F#
C# C# line of strands to mark the trail
F# F# G#7 G#7 C# C#
No one said it would be easy
C# C#
I must admit
F# F# F# F#
I thought that risk was better
G#7 G#7 C# C#
waged in younger seasons

A#m A#m
And all these years in the cold
C# C#
play hell on the throat
F# F#
Until everything I say
C# C#
burns like cinders

C# C#
But it's hard to belong
A#m A#m
to a girl or a song
F# F# G#7 G#7 C# C#
In the crease of a strangling winter
C# C#
It's strange to be lost
A#m A#m
Stranger still to belong on
F# F# G#7 G#7 C# C#
the strings of a twisting line

C# C# F# F#
Along the way the turns are sharp
F# F# G#7 G#7
No one said they
C# C#
would be easy
C# C#
I must admit
F# F# F# F#
I thought the trip was better
G#7 G#7 C# C#
made in younger seasons

A#m A#m
But all these years in pursuit
C# C#
made a man of a fool
F# F# C# C#
Till every word I say is on waver

Chorus 2:
C# C#
Well it's hard to belong
A#m A#m
To a girl or a song
F# F# G#7 G#7 C# C#
In the case of a selfish believer
C# C#
It's strange to be lost
A#m A#m
Stranger still to belong on
F# F# G#7 G#7 C# C#
the strings of a twisting line

C# C# G#6 G#6 A#m A#m
And when the path I have made
C# C# F# F#
From the grass to the grave
G#7 G#7 C# C#
I will love you still
C# C# G#6 G#6 A#m A#m
And when the sand turns to glass
C# C# F# F#
And all that's left is the past
G# G# C# C#
I will love you still

taby ukulele według , 02 sty 2023

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