I Turn To You taby ukulele według All‐4‐One (Chwyty barytonu)

22 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Cm, Ebm, Bb, Gb7, F7, Dm, Cm7, Fsus4, Cdim, Gm, Ebmaj7, F, Bbsus4, Bb7, Dbm, Db, Fm, Gbmaj7, Absus4, Ab, Gbm, Gbm6

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rytmy: du-du-du-du

by All-4-One

Cm Cm Ebm Ebm
Bb Bb Gb7 Gb7 F7 F7
Mmm, Hmm

Bb Bb Dm Dm
When I'm lost in the rain
Cm Cm
In your eyes I know
Cm7 Cm7
I'll find the light
Fsus Fsus F7 F7
To light my way.
Bb Bb
And when I'm scared
Dm Dm
And losing ground
Cm Cm
When my world is going crazy
Cm7 Cm7 Fsus Fsus Bb Bb
You can turn it all around.

Cdim Cdim
And when I'm down you're there
Gm Gm
Pushing me to the top
Cm Cm
You're always there giving me
Fsus Fsus F7 F7
all you've got, oh

Bb Bb Cm Cm
For a shield from the storm
Dm Dm Ebmaj7 Ebmaj7
For a friend, for a love
Cm Cm
To keep me safe and warm
Fsus Fsus F F
I turn to you
Bb Bb Cm Cm
For the strength to be strong
Dm Dm Ebm Ebm
For the will to carry on.
Cm Cm
For everything you do
Ebm Ebm
For everything that's true...
Bb Bb Gb7 Gb7 F7 F7
I turn to you

Bb Bb Dm Dm
When I lose the will to win
Cm Cm
I just reach for you
Cm7 Cm7 Fsus Fsus F7 F7
And I can reach the sky again.
Bb Bb Dm Dm
I can do anything
Cm Cm
'Cause your love is so amazing
Cm7 Cm7 F7 F7 Bb Bb
'Cause your love inspires me.

Cdim Cdim
And when I need a friend
Gm Gm
You're always on my side
Cm Cm
Giving me faith
Fsus Fsus F7 F7
That gets me through the night, oh

Bb Bb Cm Cm
For a shield from the storm
Dm Dm Ebmaj7 Ebmaj7
For a friend, for a love
Cm Cm
To keep me safe and warm
Fsus Fsus F F
I turn to you
Bb Bb Cm Cm
For the strength to be strong
Dm Dm Ebm Ebm
For the will to carry on.
Cm Cm
For everything you do
Ebm Ebm
For everything that's true...
Bb Bb
I turn to you

Cm Cm
For the arms to be
Bb Bb
my shelter through all the rain
Cm Cm
For truth that will never change
Bbsus Bbsus Bb7 Bb7 Cm Cm Dm Dm Ebmaj7 Ebmaj7
For some--one to lean on
Cm Cm
For a heart I can
Dm Dm Gm Gm
rely on through anything
Cm Cm
For that one who
Dbm Dbm
I can run to

Db Db Ebm Ebm
For a shield from the storm
Fm Fm Gbmaj7 Gbmaj7
For a friend, for a love
Ebm Ebm
To keep me safe and warm
Absus Absus Ab Ab
I turn to you
Db Db Ebm Ebm
For the strength to be strong
Fm Fm Gbm Gbm
For the will to carry on.
Ebm Ebm
For everything you do
Gbm Gbm
For everything that's true
Gbm6 Gbm6 Db Db
I turn to you, oh

Gbm6 Gbm6 Db Db
I turn to you.

taby ukulele według , 05 kwi 2024

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