Karla's Lullaby Tab uke di We Bare Bears (Accordi Baritono)

10 Accordi usati nel brano: F, Bb, Bbm, C, Dm, A7, C7, A, G, Gm

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Tablature / Chords (Brano intero)

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Album:  sconosciuto
Chiave: DmAccordi
F F             Bb Bb
lay down your head
Bbm Bbm F F
in this warm and cozy bed
C C Dm Dm A7 A7
and if i leave before you wake
Bb Bb C7 C7
dont go thinking that i have fled
Dm Dm A A F F G G
for these walls cannot contain us
Bb Bb Bbm Bbm
we will go places we’ve never been
F F C C Dm Dm
but know that i’ll be here
Gm Gm C C F F
when you return to this home again
F F Bb Bb
so lay down your head
Bbm Bbm F F
there is nothing here to dread
C C Dm Dm G G
and if you leave before i wake
Bb Bb C C F F
then good night, love, is the last thing i said

Yes, I know Louie Zong posted the official chords, but I wanted to re write them to avoid the use of any capo.
Enjoy :)

Tab uke di , 21 ott 2016

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