Forever Tab uke di Stratovarius (Accordi Baritono)

12 Accordi usati nel brano: Am, Bm, F#m, G, D, Em, A, D/C#, F, C, Dm, E

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Accordi trasposti Giù 1 Mezzo intervallo. (Torna a Versione originale)

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Tablature / Chords (Canzone semplificata)

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Album:  sconosciuto
Chiave: sconosciutoAccordi
Accordatura originale: -0.5 intervalli(o) (accordatura originale)
Progressione tablatura/accordi predisposta per l'Ukulele.
Tone [G#m G#m] capo on 1st fret

A#m A#m Fm Fm F# F# C# C#
D#m D#m G# G# A#m A#m Fm Fm

A#m A#m Fm Fm F# F# C# C#
I stand alone in the darkness
D#m D#m G# G# A#m A#m Fm Fm
The winter of my life came so fast
A#m A#m Fm Fm F# F# C# C#
Memories go back to childhood
D#m D#m G# G# A#m A#m
To days I still recall

A#m A#m Fm Fm F# F# C# C#
Oh how happy I was then
D#m D#m G# G# A#m A#m Fm Fm
There was no sorrow there was no pain
A#m A#m Fm Fm F# F# C# C#
Walking through the green fields
D#m D#m G# G# A#m A#m
Sunshine in my eyes

F# F# G# G#
I'm still there everywhere
C# C# C#/C# C#/C# A#m A#m
I'm the dust in the wind
F# F# G# G# (A#m A#m)
I'm the star in the northern sky

F# F# G# G#
I never stayed anywhere
C# C# A#m A#m
I'm the wind in the trees
F# F# G# G# (A#m A#m)
Would you wait for me forever ?

G#m G#m D#m D#m E E B B
C#m C#m F# F# G#m G#m D# D#

F# F# G# G#
I'm still there everywhere
C# C# A#m A#m
I'm the dust in the wind
F# F# G# G# (A#m A#m)
I'm the star in the northern sky

F# F# G# G#
I never stayed anywhere
C# C# A#m A#m
I'm the wind in the trees
F# F# G# G# (A#m A#m)
Would you wait for me forever ?
F# F# G# G# (A#m A#m)
Would you wait for me forever ?
F# F# G# G# (A#m A#m)
Will you wait for me forever ?

Tab uke di , 08 dic 2023

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