Rise Up With Fists Live Tab uke di Jenny Lewis With The Watson Twins (Accordi Baritono)

4 Accordi usati nel brano: A, D, Bm, Gm

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Album:  sconosciuto
Chiave: D, A, Bm, F#m, GbmAccordi
Accordatura originale: +0.5 intervalli(o) (accordatura originale)
Progressione tablatura/accordi predisposta per l'Ukulele.
A# A#
What are you changing?
D# D#
Who do you think you're changing?
Cm Cm
You can't change things
A# A#
We're all stuck in our ways
A# A#
It's like trying to clean the ocean
D# D#
What do you think you can drain it?
Cm CmA# A#
Well it was poison and dry long before you came

Cm CmG#m G#mA# A#A# A#
But you can wake up younger under the knife
Cm CmG#m G#mA# A#A# A#
And you can wake up sounder if you get analyzed
Cm CmG#m G#mA# A#
And I better wake up
A# A#Cm CmG#m G#mD# D#A# A#
There but for the grace of God, go I

A# A#
It's hard to believe your prophets
D# D#
When they're asking you to change things
Cm Cm A# A#
But with their suspect lives we look the other way
A# A#
Are you really that pure, Sir?
D# D#
Thought I saw you in Vegas
Cm CmA# A#
It was not pretty, but she was

Cm CmG#m G#mA# A#
But she will wake up wealthy
Cm CmG#m G#mA# A#
And you will wake up 45
Cm CmG#m G#mA# A#
And she will wake up with babies
Cm CmG#m G#mD# D#A# A#
There but for the grace of God, go I

A# A#
What am I fighting for?
D# D#
The cops are at the front door
Cm CmA# A#
I can't escape that way, the windows are in flames
A# A#
And what's that on your ankle?
D# D#
You say they're not coming for you

Cm CmA# A#
But house arrest is really just the same

Cm CmG#m G#mA# A#
Like when you wake up behind the bar
Cm CmG#m G#mA# A#
Trying to remember where you are
Cm CmG#m G#mA# A#
Having crushed all the pretty things
Cm CmG#m G#mD# D#A# A#
There but for the grace of God, go I

Cm CmG#m G#mA# A#
But I still believe
Cm CmG#m G#mA# A#
And I will rise up with fists
Cm CmG#m G#mA# A#
And I will take what's mine mine mine
Cm CmG#m G#mD# D#A# A#
There but for the grace of God, go I
Cm CmG#m G#mD# D#A# A#
There but for the grace of God, go I
Cm CmG#m G#mD# D#A# A#
There but for the grace of God, go I
Cm CmG#m G#mD# D#A# A#
There but for the grace of God, go I

Tab uke di , 14 lug 2009

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