7 Acordes utilizados en la canción: F, F7, Bb, C7, Dm, G, G7
Vuelta a los acordes de Soprano
Transpose chords:
F F7 Bb F
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do,
C7 F Dm G G7 C7
I'm half crazy, all for the love of you
It won't be a stylish marriage,
Bb F C7
I can't afford a carriage
F C7 F C7
But you'll look sweet, upon the seat,
F C7 F
Of a bicycle built for two.
Michael, Michael, here is my answer true,
I can't cycle, it makes me feel so blue,
If you can't afford a carriage,
There'll be no flaming marriage
For I'll be blowed, if I'll be stowed,
On a bicycle built for two.
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