6 Acordes utilizados en la canción: G, B, Em, Bm, B7, C
Vuelta a los acordes de Soprano
Transpose chords:
I know we'll never grow old together
Em Em
'Cause you'll never grow old to me
You're the pink in my cheeks, and I'm scared cause that means
Em Em
I'm a little bit soft
G Bm
But don't beat yourself up Bonnie
B Em
it wasn't just the sun that I was hiding from
We were messed up kids
who taught ourselves how to live
B7 Em
And I'm still scared that I'm not good enough
-NC- G
I've always felt like a monster
B B7 Em
Long before I was bit
. G
Only seen as a monster
B Em C
Let's just say I'm used to it
And I grew tough, 'cause loving only hurt me back
B7 Em
But loving you's a good problem to have
C B7 Em
and I'm used to that, but I could get used to this
C B7 Em
yeah I'm used to that, but I could get used to this
And I know we'll never grow old together
Em Em
'cause you'll never grow old to me
you're the pink in my cheeks and I love that it means
Em Em
I'm a little bit soft
You're the pink in my cheeks and I love that it means
I'm a little bit soft
Comentarios (3)
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Does anyone know what tuning this song is? (I just tuned my uke differently recently so idk anymore hdjshagjk)
09 Feb 2021
If the chords are too complicated, just transpose the sheet down by 2 half steps and use a capo to bar the strings by 2 frets. If you sing alto, I find it beneficial to put the capo down the 3rd fret, instead. This only goes for songs sung by Marceline, though.
30 Dec 2020
Top Tabs & Acordes de Rebecca Sugar, ¡no te pierdas estas canciones!
Acerca de esta canción: Monster Adventure Time Distant Lands Obsidian
No hay información por esta canción.