The Battle Of New Orleans Tab por Johnny Horton (Acordes Baritono)

4 Acordes utilizados en la canción: G, D, C, D7

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Tablature / Chords (Canción entera)

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Album:  desconocido
Key: G, EmAcordes
tonalidad original: -0.5 mediotono (afinación original)
progresión de acordes arreglados para el ukulele.
F# F# C# C#
F# F# B B C# C# F# F#

F# F# B B
In 1814 we took a little trip
C#7 C#7 F# F#
Along with Col. Jackson down the mighty mississip'd
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans
C#7 C#7 F# F#
And we caught the bloody British in a town in New Orleans.

F# F#
We fired our guns and the British kept a comin'
C#7 C#7 F# F#
There wasn't as many as there was a while ago

We fired once more and they began to runnin'
C#7 C#7 F# F#
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.

F# F# B B
We looked down the river and we see'd the British come
C#7 C#7 F# F#
And there musta been a hund'erd of 'em beatin' on the drum
They stepped so high and they made their bugles ring
C#7 C#7 F# F#
We stood beside our cotton bales and didn't say a thing.

F# F#
We fired our guns and the British kept a comin'
C#7 C#7 F# F#
There wasn't as many as there was a while ago

We fired once more and they began to runnin'
C#7 C#7 F# F#
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.

F# F# B B
Old Hick'ry said we could take 'em by su'prise
C#7 C#7 F# F#
If we didn't fire our musket till we looked 'em in the eyes
We held our fire till we see'd their faces well
C#7 C#7 F# F#
Then we opened up with squirrel guns and really gave 'em ... Well -

F# F#
We fired our guns and the British kept a comin'
C#7 C#7 F# F#
There wasn't as many as there was a while ago

We fired once more and they began to runnin'
C#7 C#7 F# F#
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.

F# F#
Yeah! they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles
C#7 C#7 F# F#
And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn't go

They ran so fast that the hounds couldn't catch 'em
C#7 C#7 F# F#
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.

F# F# B B
We fired our cannon till the barrel melted down
C#7 C#7 F# F#
So we grabbed an alligator and we fought another round
We filled his head with cannonballs and powdered his behind
C#7 C#7 F# F#
And when we touched the powder off, the 'gator lost his mind.

F# F#
We fired our guns and the British kept a comin'
C#7 C#7 F# F#
There wasn't as many as there was a while ago

We fired once more and they began to runnin'
C#7 C#7 F# F#
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.

F# F#
Yeah! they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles
C#7 C#7 F# F#
And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn't go

They ran so fast that the hounds couldn't catch 'em
C#7 C#7 F# F#
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.

Tab por , 01 sep 2022

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