I Loved The Ground She Walked Upon Tab por Dubliners (Acordes Baritono)

5 Acordes utilizados en la canción: C, G, D, D7, Bm

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Tablature / Chords (Canción entera)

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Año:  1987
Key: G, EmAcordes
Intro: C C-G G-D D-D7 D7

I (G G)loved the ground she (C C)walked u(Bm Bm)pon
And the (C C)air she (D D)would softly (G G)breathe(D D)
The (G G)feather touch of her (C C)gentle (Bm Bm)lips
That (C C)only a (D D)fool would (G G)leave.(G G*)(G G)
That (C C)only a (D D)fool would (G G)leave
But we (C C)tasted for (C C*)bed and (D D)wine(D7 D7)
Though I (G G)loved the ground she (C C)walked u(Bm Bm)pon
I could (C C)never have (D D)made her (G G)mine.(G G*)(G G)

The (G G)swallows fly all (C C)along the (Bm Bm)canal
And I (C C)watch with a (D D)heavy (G G)heart(D D)
In (G G)dizzy spins they (C C)dive and (Bm Bm)twirl
Touch (C C)wings and (D D)then de(G G)part.(G G*)(G G)
Touch (C C)wings and (D D)then de(G G)part
As the (C C)summer (C C*)fades a(D D)way(D7 D7)
Though I (G G)loved the ground she (C C)walked u(Bm Bm)pon
I (C C)knew that I (D D)could not (G G)stay.(G G*)(G G)

Repeat Intro

The (G G)swallow is a (C C)summer?s (Bm Bm)child
And she (C C)flies be(D D)fore the (G G)cold(D D)
Though I (G G)loved the ground she (C C)walked u(Bm Bm)pon
She (C C)was not (D D)mine to (G G)hold.(G G*)(G G)
She (C C)was not (D D)mine to (G G)hold
But it was (C C)easy (C C*)to pre(D D)tend(D7 D7)
Though I (G G)loved the ground she (C C)walked u(Bm Bm)pon
A A (C C)summer (D D)has to (G G)end.

G G-G G-C C-Bm Bm
...A (C C)summer (D D)has to (G G)end.

Tab por , 21 mar 2012

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