Us 2 Little Gods Tab por Dido (Acordes Baritono)

3 Acordes utilizados en la canción: Em, Am, Bm

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Album:  desconocido
Key: G, EmAcordes
Capo 4th Fret

Em Em Am Am Em Em
Walking home, burnt and red
Sticky thin, he said
Let us go down in the woods
"Can you be careful?" She said

Bm Bm Am Am Em Em Am Am
Us two little gods with the world at our feet

Em Em Am Am Em Em Am Am Em Em

Em Em Am Am Em Em
Sticky thin, how you've grown they said
You'll never fit in your long white dress
When's he going to try and get a job
I'm just thankful for what we've got she said

Bm Bm Am Am Em Em Am Am
Us two little gods with the world at our feet

Em Em Am Am Em Em Am Am Em Em

Em Em Am Am Em Em
Just this life, I need no other
Just this day, I need no more
Just this moment, let it all stop here
Let it all stop here, I've had my fill

Em Em Am Am Em Em
Summers here early again
Lets take the kid, go and celebrate
Drinking beer, moon on the left
And there's the sun, hold my hand he said

Bm Bm Am Am Em Em Am Am
Us three little gods with the world at our feet

Em Em Am Am Em Em
Just in this day, I need no other
Just this life, I need no more
Just this moment, let it all stop here
Let it all stop here, I've had my fill

Em Em Am Am Em Em
Just this life, I need no other
Just this night, I need no more
Just this moment, let it all stop here
Let it all stop here, I've had my fill

Em Em Am Am Em Em
Just this life, I need no other
Just this day, I need no more
Just this moment, let it all stop here
I've had my fill

Tab por , 26 jul 2024

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