Poppin' Tab por Angela Moyra (Acordes Baritono)

8 Acordes utilizados en la canción: D, Cdim, G, A7, A, Gm, D7, Bm

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Tablature / Chords (Canción entera)

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Año:  2014
Key: desconocidoAcordes
D D Cdim Cdim G G A7 A7 G G A A

D D Cdim Cdim
Do you mind if I spin this little record
G G A7 A7
Sure it's awfully late right now but I just want to hear
D D Cdim Cdim
the way that he swings let's hear this together
G G A7 A7
Sure just take a seat right there but I'm just so damn near

G G Gm Gm D D D7 D7
To get my feet all tappin' on that old wooden floor
G G Gm Gm D D D7 D7
and walls all cracking up right here through the door
G G Gm Gm D D Bm Bm
To get you here staring at me while I beg for more
G G A7 A7
Can we just get started with hellza hellza poppin'

D D Cdim Cdim
Do you mind if I swing across the garden
G G A7 A7
Don't be looking at the way I fly

G G Gm Gm D D D7 D7
I got my feet all tappin' on that old wooden floor
G G Gm Gm D D D7 D7
and walls will be cracking up right here through the door
G G Gm Gm D D Bm Bm
They got you here staring at me while I beg for more

G G Gm Gm
But there is no more stopping when my feet are poppin'
There is no more stopping for
Bm Bm
hellz-hellza poppin'
G G A7 A7 G G A A
There is no more stopping
hellza poppin'

Tab por , 14 abr 2016

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