Clarity (feat. Foxes) Tabulatur von Zedd (für Baryton)

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Am, D, Em, Bm, C

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: G, EmAkkorde
0 1 2 3 4 5
Am Am                D D 
High dive into frozen waves
Em Em Bm Bm C C
where the past comes back to life
Am Am D D
Fight fear for the selfish pain
Em Em Bm Bm C C
And it's worth it every time
Am Am D D
Hold still right before we crash
Em Em Bm Bm C C
Cause we both know how this ends
Am Am D D
a clock ticks till it breaks your glass
Em Em Bm Bm C C
And I drown in you again

Am Am D D
Cause you are the piece of me
Em Em Bm Bm C C
I wish I didn't need
Am Am D D
Chasing relentlessly
Em Em Bm Bm C C
Still fight and I don't know why

Am Am D D Em Em Bm Bm C C
If our love is tragedy why are you my remedy
Am Am D D Em Em Bm Bm C C
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity

Interlude -x2-: Am D Em Bm C

Am Am D D Em Em Bm Bm C C
If our love is tragedy why are you my remedy
Am Am D D Em Em Bm Bm C C
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity

Am Am D D
walk on through a red parade
Em Em Bm Bm C C
And refuse to make amends
Am Am D D
It cuts deep through our ground
Em Em Bm Bm C C
And makes us forget all common sense
Am Am D D
Don't speak as I try to leave
Em Em Bm Bm C C
Cause we both know what we'll choose
Am Am D D
If you pull, then I'll push too deep
Em Em Bm Bm C C
And I'll fall right back to you

Am Am D D
Cause you are the piece of me
Em Em Bm Bm C C
I wish I didn't need
Am Am D D
Chasing relentlessly
Em Em Bm Bm C C
Still fight and I don't know why

Am Am D D Em Em Bm Bm C C
If our love is tragedy why are you my remedy
Am Am D D Em Em Bm Bm C C
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity

Am Am D D Em Em Bm Bm C C
...Why are you my clarity
Am Am D D Em Em Bm Bm C C
...Why are you my remedy

Am Am D D Em Em Bm Bm C C
If our love is tragedy why are you my remedy
Am Am D D Em Em Bm Bm C C
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity

Tabulatur von , 08 Sep 2013

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