In Which Draco And Harry Secretly Want To Make Out Tabulatur von The Womping Willows (für Baryton)

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: D, A, Bm7, G

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: D, BmAkkorde
# This is a wrock song, one of my personal favorites

# The chords used are
D D - A A - Bm7 Bm7 - G G

# You just use the same chords throughout the whole song. You can also use an Bm Bm istead of the Bm7 Bm7 but I think the Bm7 Bm7 is easier and sounds just as good.

Tabulatur von , 17 Okt 2010

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LitlMissBec avatar
Lyrics are always helpful :)
13 Dec 2010
Gelöschtes Konto
If some of the lyrics were included, it would be a much better tab. The chords are spot in, though.
25 Nov 2010
lilymybabyx avatar
flag for GB(ISO2) (Edinburgh)
Yusss. I love this song! :)
Sounds great just how it should be!
14 Nov 2010

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