Mint Car Tabulatur von The Cure (für Baryton)

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, Am, F, G

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Chords transposed Down 2 Half-steps. (Back to Original version)

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2001
Key: C, AmAkkorde
ursprüngliche Tonalität: -1.0 Halbtöne (Originalstimmung)
Tab / Akkord Fortschritt festgelegt für die Ukulele.
A# A#                 Gm Gm            D# D#          F F   
The sun is up. I'm so happy I could scream!
A# A# Gm Gm D# D# F F
And there's nowhere else in the world I'd rather be
A# A#
Than here with you
Gm Gm
It's perfect
D# D# F F
It's all I ever wanted
A# A# Gm Gm D# D# F F
I almost can't believe that it's for real

I really don't think it gets any better than this
Vanilla smile And a gorgeous strawberry kiss!
Birds sing we swing
Clouds drift by and
Everything is like a dream
It's everything I wished

Gm Gm F F
Never guessed it got this good
A# A# D# D#
Wondered if it ever would
Gm Gm F F
Really didn't think it could
D# D# F F
Do it again? I know we should!

The sun is up. I'm so fizzy I could burst!
You wet through and me headfirst
Into this
is perfect
It's all I ever wanted
Ow! it feels so big it almost hurts!

Never guessed it got this good
Wondered if it ever would
Really didn't think it could
Do it some more? I know we should!

Say it will always be like this
The two of us together
It will always be like this
Forever and ever and ever.

Gm Gm F F
Never guessed it got this good
A# A# D# D#
Wondered if it ever would
Gm Gm F F
Really didn't think it could
D# D# F F D# D#
Do it all the time? I know that we should!

Tabulatur von , 19 Sep 2013

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