Jealous Tabulatur von Sinead O'Connor (für Baryton)

6 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Dm, F, C, E, Am, G

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: AmAkkorde
ursprüngliche Tonalität: +3.0 Halbtöne (Originalstimmung)
Tab / Akkord Fortschritt festgelegt für die Ukulele.
Capo 3

G#m G#m B B F# F# A# A# D#m D#m C# C# B B

[Verse 1]
G#m G#m B B
You're jealous
F# F# A# A# D#m D#m C# C#
You just can't stand to see me get along without you
Like I do, you told me to

[Verse 2]
G#m G#m B B
Now you're jealous
F# F# A# A# D#m D#m C# C#
You don't know how hard it was to be alone without you
And wanting you, like I do

F# F# C# C# B B
I would've stayed if you'd wanted, would have been willing
F# F# C# C# B B
But you said I treat you so badly, I can't be forgiven
F# F# C# C# B B
You know I would have done anything to make it through with you
F# F# C# C# B B
But I don't deserve to be lonely, just 'cause you say I do

[Verse 3]
G#m G#m B B
You're jealous
F# F# A# A# D#m D#m C# C#
You don't know how hard it is to be a woman in love with you
When you're so cruel
G#m G#m B B
And so jealous
F# F# A# A# D#m D#m C# C#
You don't think about anybody's feelings but your own, oh
Are you coming home?

F# F# C# C# B B
I would've stayed if you'd wanted, would have been willing
F# F# C# C# B B
But you said I treat you so badly, I can't be forgiven
F# F# C# C# B B
You know I would have done anything to make it through with you
F# F# C# C# B B
But I don't deserve to be lonely, just 'cause you say I do

[Verse 4]
F# F# C# C# B B
So if you're gonna go you've gotta go and if you're staying, stay
F# F# C# C# B B
'Cause I can't take the pain you keep leaving when you go away
F# F# C# C# B B
If you're gonna go you've gotta go and if you're staying, stay
F# F# C# C# B B
'Cause I can't take the pain you keep leaving when you go away

F# F# C# C# B B F# F# C# C# B B
I... don't deserve to be so lonely
F# F# C# C# B B F# F# C# C# B B
I... don't deserve to cry, oohhhh
F# F# C# C# B B F# F# C# C# B B
I... don't deserve to be so lonely

Tabulatur von , 02 Jan 2023

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