One Good Reason Tabulatur von Rick Parfitt (für Baryton)

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, A#, G#, G

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: CmAkkorde
[no chord]
Nine hundred ninety nine, just give me one more reason

[Keyboard (80's) intro]

C C A# A#
Here you go, the blame on me again
G# G# A# A# C C A# A# C C
Picking up exactly where you left me
A# A#
Back to show, the pitch is long again
G# G# A# A# G G
Expecting me to be the remedy.

C C A# A# G# G#
Nine hundred ninety nine, just give me one more reason
A# A# G G
One more reason
C C A# A# G# G#
Nine hundred ninety nine, just give me one more reason
A# A# G G
One more reason

C C A# A#
You set me up to be the fool again
G# G# A# A# C C A# A# C C
Or are you handing me the straight line?
A# A#
I'll call your bluff, open my heart again
G# G# A# A# G G
Or am I just returning to the scene of the crime?

C C A# A# G# G#
Nine hundred ninety nine, just give me one more reason
A# A# G G
One more reason
C C A# A# G# G#
Nine hundred ninety nine, just give me one more reason
A# A# G G
One more reason


C C G# G# A# A# G G
Nine hundred ninety nine, just give me o-ne mo-re re-ason
A# A# C C A# A#
I'm not going to just believe all that you say
I believed you once before and watched you

A# A#
Walk away, without a second glance
G# G# A# A# C C A# A# C C
Giving me no option to recover
A# A#
Now you say, you want a second chance
G# G# A# A# G G (let ring)
Runnning screaming from me over and over and over and over

C C A# A# G# G#
Nine hundred ninety nine, just give me one more reason
A# A# G G
One more reason
C C A# A# G# G#
Nine hundred ninety nine, just give me one more reason
A# A# G G
One more reason

Tabulatur von , 13 Okt 2009

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