Pluto Projector Tabulatur von Rex Orange County (für Baryton)

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, Em, F, G

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2019
Key: C, AmAkkorde
[Verse 1]
Cmaj Cmaj
The great protector
Cmaj Cmaj Em Em
Is that what I'm supposed to be?
Fmaj Fmaj
What if all this counts for nothing
Fmaj Fmaj Gmaj Gmaj
Everything I thought I'd be?

What if by the time I realize
Gmaj Gmaj C C
It's too far behind to see?
Cmaj Cmaj
Seventy-mil projector
Em Em
I can show you everything, yeah
Fmaj Fmaj
And we're on our way to glory
Fmaj Fmaj Gmaj Gmaj
Where the show won't ever end

And the encore lasts forever
Gmaj Gmaj C C
And it's time we're due to spend

[Verse 2]
Cmaj Cmaj
Spending the years together
Cmaj Cmaj Em Em
Growing older every day (Every day)
Fmaj Fmaj
I feel at home when I'm around you
Gmaj Gmaj
And I'll gladly say again

I hope the encore lasts forever
Now there's time for us to spend
Cmaj Cmaj Em Em
And it's sublime with you, my friend
Cmaj Cmaj
This right here still feels like a honeymoon
Em Em
When you say my name, nothing's changed
Fmaj Fmaj
I'm still a boy inside my thoughts
Gmaj Gmaj C C
Am Am I meant to understand my faults?

Cmaj Cmaj
I don't think so
Em Em
I don't think I'm meant to understand myself
Fmaj Fmaj
Maybe you do
Gmaj Gmaj
And that's good for you
Maybe in time
Cmaj Cmaj
Maybe one day
Em Em
I'll do the same
Fmaj Fmaj
(I'll do the same
Gmaj Gmaj
I'll do the same
I'll do the same)

Cmaj Cmaj
I'll do the same as you
Em Em
I'll try and hold it up
Fmaj Fmaj
Soon I hope
Gmaj Gmaj C C
Or as soon as I'm old enough
Cmaj Cmaj Em Em Fmaj Fmaj Gmaj Gmaj
(Old enough to understand

Old enough to understand)

Cmaj Cmaj Em Em Fmaj Fmaj
Stay forever, you know more than anyone (Yeah, whoa)
Gmaj Gmaj
And it's you that knows my darkness
Gmaj Gmaj
And you know my bedroom needs
You could blast me and my secrets
Because there's probably just no need

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Tabulatur von , 26 Dez 2019

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scarrei avatar
chords not aligned and hard to follow
19 May 2022
roundglasses avatar
it's just normal c, g, and f I suppose
11 Apr 2021
IIWCL avatar
flag for CA(ISO2) (St. Catharines)
how does one play cmaj and all the other major
22 Jan 2021

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