11 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Dsus2, A7sus4, Em7/C, A, Ebmaj7, Fmaj7, Em, D, G, G7sus4, C9
Transpose chords:
Dsus2 A7sus4 Em7/C Dsus2 A7sus4 Em7/C
You keep me waiting - You keep me alone in a room full of friends
Dsus2 A7sus4 Em7/C Dsus2 A7sus4 Em7/C
You keep me hating - You keep me listening to the Bends
No amount of pointless days - Can make this go away
Dsus2 A7sus4 Em7/C Dsus2 A7sus4 Em7/C
You have me on my knees - You have me listless and deranged
Dsus2 A7sus4 Em7/C Dsus2 A7sus4 Em7/C
You have me in your pocket - You have me distant and estranged
No narcotics in my brain - Can make this go away
A Ebmaj7 Fmaj7 Em
I'm sorry that - I'm sorry that I'm not like you
A Ebmaj7 Fmaj7 Em
I worry that - I don't act the way you'd like me to Ah-ah-ah-ah
Dsus2 A7sus4 Em7/C Dsus2 A7sus4 Em7/C
You find me wanting - You find me bloodless but inspired
Dsus2 A7sus4 Em7/C Dsus2 A7sus4 Em7/C
You find me out - You find me hallucinating fire
No narcotics in my brain - Can make this go away
Play these chords 4 times
A Ebmaj7 Fmaj7 Em
I'm sorry that - I'm sorry that I'm not like you Ah-ah-ah-ah
A Ebmaj7 Fmaj7 Em
I worry that - I don't act the way you'd like me to Ah-ah-ooo
D G G7sus4/Bb C9
A Ebmaj7 Fmaj7 Em
Have we ever been here before? - Running headlong at the floor
A Ebmaj7 Fmaj7 Em
Leave me dreaming on a railway track - Wrap me up and send me back
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Über dieses Lied: Pure Narcotic
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